August 3D Scores Posted
Results from August 3D Shoot have been posted….finally!
My apologies for the delay in posting the results from the August 3D shoot. Please remember that everyone who sets up and takes down targets, runs the registration and keeps track of scores are all volunteers. Occasionally, our work, family, and personal obligations will take precedent over our volunteer duties for the San Diego Archers.
Also, there was a little bit of grumbling about the long registration line last Sunday. Our 3D shoots have become very popular (yeah!), with over 120 archers registering for the shoot. To speed up the registration, we have a few very kind volunteers who step up and ask to help (instead of grumbling). They will walk the line filling in scorecards and calculating the amount due at the visitors table. This is a tremendous help and really speeds things up. (NOTE: Scorecards are not valid unless they have the date stamp from Brad.) Many of our usual volunteers were at the Big Bear Shoot last weekend. We finally had ONE person who offered to help (Thank you, Will!) If you see something that should be done better or faster, please don’t hesitate to step up and offer to help. Thank you. PK