Tournament: First-time Visitor FAQ’s

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3D Round | Field-Hunter Round | 900 Round
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⇒ View / Download the Rube Powell Balboa Park Range Map
⇒ View / Download the Animal / Field / Hunter Yardage Stakes Chart
⇒ View / Download the Tournament Registration and Bow Style Flowchart
⇒ View / Download Morley Field Range Map
General Information
- Registration is required for all shoots. [ Registration ]
- SDA Members & Active Duty Military: $10
- Non-Members: $15
- 14 year old & under: FREE!
- Novelty shoot registration fees and start times may vary.
- All of our shoots are open to the public.
- Please read the San Diego Archers Range Rules and Etiquette before visiting the range.
- All archers of all skill levels are welcome.
- You do not have to be a member to participate.
- You must bring your own archery equipment.
- The San Diego Archers host two tournaments each month, on the 1st & 3rd weekends.
- Most tournaments are on Sundays, unless another planned event blocks entrance to the range. Check the calendar for the latest shoot information.
- The visitors table is open between 7:45 am – 8:30 am.
- The range briefing will start in the practice area at around 8:40 am.
- Shooting will commence at or immediately after 9 am.
- Only shooters who have registered online and posted their scores online will be eligible for club tournament awards and end-of-year recognition.
Tournaments Types (click for more info)
- Each year, we host 10 NFAA sanctioned 3D Rounds (on the 1st weekend of the month).
- And we host an NFAA sanctioned Animal, Hunter, or Field Round (on the 3rd weekend).
- In addition, we host four novelty shoots, all hosted at the Rube Powell Balboa Park Archery Range: Flying Pig 3D, Iron Turkey Challenge, King Arthur Tournament, and Sir Gordon Traditional Shoot.
- Our Morley Field Archery Range hosts the 900 Round in May and a CBH-SAA State 900 Round in September.
What to expect when you arrive at a San Diego Archers Rube Powell Balboa Park Archery Range event before 8:15 am
The small parking lot closest to the Rube Powell Balboa Park Archery Range, called the Alcazar Parking Lot, is usually full by 8:15 am. The Organ Pavilion Parking lot is the next closest lot.
When you step up to the visitors table, you’ll be asked to sign a paper waiver, read the safety brief on the back of the waiver, pick up your scorecard; then head over to the practice area with your gear.
Yes, waivers must be signed for everyone stepping onto the archery range during a tournament, including all guests.
Looking to join a group?
Surprising fact: Most archers enjoy talking about their bow and equipment. 🙂
To keep wait times at each target down to a minimum, we ask that you shoot in groups of 3 to 5 persons when possible. Yes, pets are allowed on the range (safety check: no pet running or wandering the range off leash is allowed).
While warming up in the practice area, be sure to strike up a conversation with others shooting similar bow styles to your own; and ask them whether you may join their group. If you are unable to find a group to shoot with, ask one of the friendly volunteer staff members for assistance.
Once your group of 3 to 5 persons is set, walk back to the whiteboard near the visitors table. Enter the name of each person into an unoccupied starting target number stake on the whiteboard. You’ll be walking to that target number stake right after the target briefing, which begins around 8:40 am.
Following the briefing, you’ll walk to your starting target number. When the Balboa Park Bell Tower chimes at 9:00 am, the shoot officially begins.
Groups, Etiquette, Expected Turnouts and Posting Your Score Online
Once you and your group have shot, it is important that you walk smartly with your group as a whole to your target (safety check: no running). Before pulling your arrows, we recommend designating one person in your group as the captain, one or two persons in your group for scoring, and two persons for arrow pulling. Arrow pullers will take turns pulling arrows during the course of the shoot (safety check: only one arrow puller will pull arrows from the target face at the same time).
*The group captain is responsible for making final scoring decisions.
Etiquette: If your group is moving slower than others, allow groups behind you to “shoot through” to help reduce wait times. Likewise, be courteous to other shooters by not talking while others are shooting. And while rangefinders are allowed at most SDA shoots, please refrain from speaking range distances out loud.
Our 3D shoots are very popular. We’ve seen as many as 140 archers register for a 3D event. In the fall, during hunting season, turnouts may be lower. The turnouts for our paper shoots on the third weekend of each month are typically 30-50 archers. 3D shoots last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the turnout and the slowness of groups. Paper shoots will be longer because they may have up to four arrows per target over 28 targets versus one arrow per target at most 3D rounds.
After the shoot, be sure to add up your score and post it online. You are not required to turn in your paper scorecard, though only those with scorecards posted online or dropped into the black box at the visitors’ table will be given official credit scoring-wise.
Our online scoring system will rank shooters in real-time. If the San Diego Archers volunteer staff are not hosting a final scoring ceremony in the practice area, be sure to pick up your place pin at the next shoot you attend.