
Welcome San Diego Archers

Registration| Secret Links| Range Use FeeCheck-in | Scoring

San Diego Archers Logo

The SDA is a very active archery club, sponsoring two shoots a month and three major tournaments a year. A 28 target 3D Round on the first Sunday of the month and a Club Championship Qualifying Round (28 target Animal, Field or Hunter Round) on the third Sunday of each month.

Each June SDA hosts the “King Arthur’s Day Tournament”, a 40 target novelty shoot with a medieval theme.

Would you like to attend SDA tournaments for free?
SDA holds a work party at our ranges each month. Contact us to see whether there are work party positions available before the next tournament and attend your next SDA shoot for free!

Field Round (White Stakes)- March 22, 2025 (Saturday)

Field Round (White Stakes)
will be hosted by the San Diego Archers on
Saturday, March 22, 2025,
at the Rube Powell Balboa Park Archery Range (☀️ AccuWeather) 

• Preregister and pay online today

On the day of the shoot, visit the visitor’s table between 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Sign the paper waiver form for each participant and pick up a blank scorecard before entering the practice area. Speed up registration by printing and signing your waiver form now?

Range briefing will begin after 8:30 a.m., and shooting will commence after 9 a.m.

Volunteers are needed at 6:30 a.m. to help set up and take down targets!
If you’re unable to help set up targets, please help us in taking down and storing the targets at the end of the shoot. Remember: volunteers receive a $15 club credit card to shoot for FREE!
Contact us by filling out our volunteer form if you’d like to help.

The Field Round includes:
28 2D Paper Field Targets (download scorecard)
4 Arrows per Target
Scoring: 5-4-3
Maximum Score: 560

The Field Round is a field archery tournament of 28 2D paper targets, firing 4 arrows per target from WHITE colored stakes for a total of 112 arrows.  There are 3 scoring zones on each target. Each arrow scores either 3 points for the black outer ring, 4 for the white middle ring or 5 the black bull’s eye. There is a center X ring to the inner 5-point zone.

Field TargetAdd up each arrow’s score to give a total score out of a maximum of 560.

Field Rounds are at ‘even’ (5 yds) distances up to 80 yards, with the shortest distances measured in feet.

Targets may have different shooting positions:

1) All four arrows shot from one marked stake.

2) “Fan”: Each arrow shot from a different marked stake spread in a fan pattern, with each stake at the same distance to the target.

3) “Walk Up”: Each arrow is shot from a different marked stake at decreasing distances to the target. For example, one arrow each at 45, 40, 35, or 30 yards, or two arrows each at 45 and 40 yards.

Younger shooters

For Youths (12-14 yo), the longest distance is 40 yards
For Cubs (11 yo & under), the longest distance is 25 yards.

F-H-A NFAA Scoring
View NFAA Scoring Rules

Registration and Concessions*:

Free online registration
Free for children 14 and below
$10 for SDA members & Active-Duty Military (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $14)
$15 for Non-members (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $19)
+$5 for in-person visitors’ table registration (proposed)

* Water bottles: Pickup free at the visitors’ table
* Sodas and snacks: $1 each. Drop payment in Pay Pole or visitors’ table

• Preregister and pay online today

Print and bring along a signed waiver

Paper shoots may be canceled due to heavy rain (Animal, Hunter, Field Rounds). While 3D Shoots will NOT be canceled due to bad weather!

After tallying your paper scorecard, submit your score online at

Please submit your score online. If you choose not to submit your score online, your participation in the tournament may not be recorded. Your uploaded or paper scorecard is still required for verification purposes.


Rube Powell Archery Range Work Party Satruday, March 15th, 2025

Balboa Park Rube Powell Archery Range Work Party

Saturday, March 15th
8:00 a.m. – noon

General clean-up, weed whacking, raking, sweeping, painting, trash pick-up & more!

Hello, San Diego Archers!
Please join us for a work party this Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. A little spring cleaning to dress up our Rube Powell Archery Range.

Start time: 8:00 (or as early as you can make it)

    • Supplies & tools (If you have them, we would appreciate it if you could bring them!)
    • Weed Whacker and String
    • Tree Loppers / Pruning Shears / Tree Saw
    • Safety Glasses / Face Shield
    • Gloves / Long Pants, Long Sleeves, and Boots recommended
    • Paint brushes / Paint Rollers (we have some)
    • We have a pitchfork, a few rakes & shovels (or bring your favorite!)
  • Clear all shooting lanes and areas around targets. This will make locating arrows easier and speed up the shoot.
  • Repair/replace bales on the practice range and course targets as needed.
  • Consolidate green waste near the lower container.
  • Paint over any graffiti on the lower container and bridge.

Let us know of anything we forgot.

Thanks everyone!

Our two fantastic archery ranges would not be in Balboa Park without the support of our loyal volunteers.

Flying Pig Tournament Results – March 2, 2025

Final Tournament Scores are In!

View the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Shooters Scores Below:

View Complete Scores

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place pins are available for online-registered shooters only.


17 Attended and did not register online for attendance or awards.
43 Registered online and eligible for awards.
34 Scores were posted. Corrections below: None.
62 Signed Waivers.

  • Tournament notes: A somewhat chilly day, ~65 degrees F. Setup finished by 7:30 a.m. Nice! With a new Pig on the ropes! One of the best setups Flying Pig events ever—with Russ sacrificing his shooting time to man the Flying PIg station. Volunteers included Nate Nier, Travis, Russ, Jim Walker, Ken Hopper, Ken Cloths, Ken Bross, Clay Lehner, Craig Granadosin, and even Rebecca Cho!
  • Misentered scores awaiting correction: None.
  • Scoring ties: None.
  • Late Score Postings (not previously included in the day-of tournament scores): None

* Scores must be submitted by 3 pm on the day of shoot to qualify for awards.

Tournament Scorecard Details:

View Full Scorecard

Have you renewed your membership? Submit your SDA Membership Application online.

Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or contact us by Email.