
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!! 

The San Diego Archers

49th Annual King Arthur Tournament


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Balboa Park Rube Powell Archery Range

Registration opens at 7am

Shoot starts ~9am

40 targets, two arrows per target. 

Come Prepared!!

This is an all day event, with over 200 archers from California, Arizona, Nevada and Mexico competing for top honors.

Food, snacks and drinks will be available in the practice area and on the North side of the Cabrillo Bridge. However, with this many archers, it may be a long while in between food stations.

Bring: water bottle, snacks, sunscreen, hat. 

Donations for the “Opportunity Drawing” are still being accepted! So far, prizes include a top-of-the-line compound bow, recurve bows, compound and wooden arrows, target bags, etc. Please send an email to: info@sandiegoarchers.com,  if you have something you would like to donate (new equipment, high quality equipment you are no longer using, gift cards, etc.) 

Volunteers on the day of the tournament shoot for free! If you would like to help out, you must notify us in advance by sending an email to: info@sandiegoarchers.com. This event (and all other San Diego Archers events) are driven entirely by volunteers.  Opportunities include: setting up and taking down targets, supervising the donation prizes table, assisting with registration & food concessions, etc. 

Visitors must stay with their group of archers. Entering and leaving the range after shooting begins is not permitted, except for emergencies. Everyone stepping onto the range, whether shooting or not must sign a waiver (even if you have signed one earlier this year.) 

Emergencies: Alert the nearest SDA Official, they will safely escort people off of the archery range, if needed.  

See you all on Sunday!!