Range Preparation for King Arthur Tournament!
This Saturday, April 29, 7am to ~noon
Rube Powell Archery Range

    Please come help us prepare for our 50th Annual King Arthur Tournament (on June 18) by cleaning up the Balboa Park Rube Powell Archery Range. Our goal for this work party will be to remove weeds and rake them into piles at as many targets as we can.
    Show up anytime between 7am and 11am! Bring gloves, water and a hat (long sleeves and pants would be a good idea…the weeds are shoulder-high in some places). If you have a weed whacker or rake, bring them along. We have some rakes and shovels, too. Stay as long as you want – we plan to work until around noon.
    Allison is hosting this event: she’s bringing COFFEE, BAGELS, DONUTS, and other goodies! Please RSVP by e-mailing her at allison.shearer@gmail.com so she can have enough snacks for everyone.
    Volunteers get to shoot their next tournament for free! We have a 3D and 900 round coming up in May.
    The next scheduled work party for King Arthur prep will be May 13. We’ll continue with clearing the range and replacing many target bales.

The San Diego Archers truly appreciate your help!

Both archery ranges in Balboa Park are maintained by volunteer efforts alone. If each member (non-members welcome, too!) contributed just one hour of volunteer work on either range, we would have two of the nicest looking ranges in California.
Anyone who volunteers at a work party shoots for free in their next tournament!

Volunteer Work Party
7am-noon, Saturday, April 29, 2017
Balboa Park Rube Powell Archery Range
Contact: SanDiegoArchers@yahoo.com for more details.

    Thank you,
        San Diego Archers