Low turnout on Sunday with the late season rain. Also, lots of SDA Members traveled to the 2017 Western Classic Trail Shoot in Redding, CA:  70 3D targets over three days and over 1600 archers participating! Sounds like it was a fun weekend!
We had many new faces join us, too. Welcome to all the first-time shooters, we hope you join us again soon!
Thank you, as always, to the many volunteers who set up the course on Sunday morning and got absolutely soaked when a couple of squalls came through.

Congratulations to:
Travis Bowman – Top Compound Score of the Shoot (AMFS):
272 + 11 X’s
Joshua Toledo – Top Traditional Score of the Shoot (AMTRAD):
146 + 2 X’s!

(Nice shooting, Guys!)

28 3D animal targets: 280 points total and 28 X’s possible.
Turnout: 41 archers registered, 36 scorecards turned in.

YFTRADPeek, Olivia541
SSMFSRivera, Ignacio26471
SSMFSZaleckis, Dave23632
SMBHFSWillis, Bill21541
SMBHFSTahmahkera, Steve21012
SMFSSanchez, Edward25961
SMFSBacling, Louis20842
AFTRADKoutz, Patty731
AMTRADToledo, Joshua
Top Archer!
AMTRADPak, Tony1432
AMTRADBeer, Dirk10723
AMTRADMacKenzie, John901
AFBHFSZaleski, Lindsay O'Dea24181
AFBHFSBarr, Robin21632
AFBHFSBond, Clarissa20213
AFBHFSLively, Emily1662
AMBHFSHerrera, Ed26491
AMBHFSMcPherson, Craig25782
AMBHFSPerez, Simon25453
AMBHFSO'Dea, Devin2525
AMBHFSCigrang, Jeffrey2438
AMBHFSZuniga, Joe2406
AMBHFSHancock, David2395
AMBHFSRodriguez, Alex2394
AMBHFSBourhenne, Derrick2343
AMBHFSSerna, Jesus2304
AMBHFSRogers, Kyle2274
AMBHFSRobinson, Daryl2204
AMBHFSCardon, Chuck2143
AMBHFSSmith, Mike2084
AMFSBowman, Travis
Top Archer!
AMFSSnyder, Brandon263122
AMFSLively, Harold25653
AMFSStewart, Matthew 2477
AMFSSantos, Alan2453
AMFSHopper, Ken2448