Jessop Expert in Most Ancient Sport Regulation Archery Range Maintained

Regarded as One of Greatest Authorities in America on Robin Hood.
Joseph Jessop, president and founder of the widely known San Diego firm of Jessop & Son, manufacturers, Jewelers, 955 Fifth Street, has retired from active participation in the business and is now devoting his life to the practice and development of the outdoor sport of archery.
Mr. Jessop, it is said, is the foremost expert archer in the world today and an authority on the most ancient of all sports. He is the recognized official expert on archery in the United States by the Federal government, the only man ever named to the office in the history of America.
Since Jessop’s retirement from business, he has had as his principal hobby the establishment of regulation archery ranges. One of these ranges is located at 825 Pine street, Coronado, and has been kept up under the personal supervision of Mr. Jessop for several years.
Archery Ancient Sport.
Archery, said to be the ancientest of all sports, was practiced by man when his only weapons for the protection of his family and the killing of game were the bow and arrow, the catapult, the spear, and the sling. Archery has always been a favorite sport of outdoor men and women, ranking with rowing, track athletics, hunting, fishing, tennis, and cricket.
Jessop is regarded as one of the greatest authorities on Robin Hood, the famous English outlaw, and his archery skill has made him a recognized authority on all that pertains to the most ancient of all forms of weaponry.
Maintains Range.
Jessop’s range at Coronado is the only regulation range in the country that is maintained by a private individual. It is 90 feet in length and 60 feet in width and has every modern appliance for the shooting of arrows, including targets that are considered the last word in practical archery.
Jessop’s mastery of the bow and arrow has made him a figure of national interest. He has been instrumental in the promotion of archery throughout the country and has done much to put the sport on a scientific basis.
Image Caption:
Top, Joseph Jessop on his Archery Range in Coronado and Target showing Arrows in Drawing of Wild Cat. Center, left to right, Robin Hood’s Grave, Major Oak in Sherwood Forest and Horse in Which Famous Outlaw Died. Below, Cottontail Target Pierced by Arrows and Mr. Jessop Drawing Bow.