Relocation of the San Diego Archery Association Target Ranges Letters, 1956

Letter from SDA to City Council of San Diego, in reference to discuss public archery facilities in the vicinity of Gold Gulch. Signed by SDA President C. B. King, Jr., San Diego Archery Association.
6260 Bolivar Street
San Diego, California
February 21, 1956
City Council of San Diego
1600 Pacific Highway
San Diego, California
Dear Sirs:
By invitation, the representatives of the San Diego Archery Association met with the Park and Recreation Commission on this date, February 21, 1956, to discuss archery facilities for the public.
The recommendations of the Park and Recreation Commission as suggested by Mr. Calland in his memo to the City Manager dated January 23, 1956 was concurred in by the Archery Association.
To reiterate the above and other agreements reached at this meeting, they are set forth as follows:
(a) Relocate the target archery range from Sixth and Laurel Streets to a new site South of the Balboa Tennis Club on the West side of Park Boulevard. This site is to be turfed, and grass will be a part of the development. The space required will be 153 yards long by approximately 70 yards wide. This will accommodate a minimum of ten (10) targets spread six yards apart (center to center) and will leave a clear space at either side. The area is to have a backstop extended to the West sufficiently to provide a good margin of public safety. It is to be fenced similar to the miniature railway.
(b) Extend the facilities in the Field Archery Course in Gold Gulch by adding one full course of 28 targets and provide one one-half distance range of 28 targets for youth participation. (No additional area of the Park is required for these added facilities. The location of the target sites is to be cleared of the dead-fall to lessen the fire hazard; other ground cover is to be retained.)
We of the San Diego Archery Association who represent 600 organized archers and more than 2000 unorganized archery enthusiasts of San Diego strongly recommend that the above proposal for archery facilities be given the approval of the City Council with early implementation directed. We shall be ready and willing to assist in any way possible.
Very truly yours,
C. B. King, President
San Diego Archery Association
cc: Park & Recreation Director – Adm. Bldg.
Balboa Park, San Diego, California
San Diego Archery Club, 4275 Coronado St., San Diego
San Diego Field Archers, 2257 Denver St., San Diego
Mission Bay Park Director, 3702 Bayside Lane, San Diego