San Diego Field Archers Hold Novelty Shoot

San Diego Field Archers Hold Novelty Shoot
5634 Montezuma Rd., San Diego, Calif.
The San Diego Field Archers held a special meeting, Friday, March 13, at the Hotel Marston in San Diego, where pertinent business was discussed and final details worked out for the Novelty Rabbit Shoot, March 15.
After the business session, Robert Lewis, a professional photographer and member of the club, screened movies he had taken of the San Diego Field Archers’ recent Semi-Annual Trophy Shoot, and other archery films.
The actual Novelty Rabbit Shoot took place Sunday, March 15, at the club range in Gold Gulch, Balboa Park, San Diego. The weather was perfect and encouraged archers from all over San Diego County to be there.
Mary Powell, club secretary, was swamped with registrations, and at 9:30 a.m., when the first one archers started at target number one, a total of fifty-five archers had signed up, and Mary still was trying to get the late arrivals recorded.
Nat Mathew, field captain, spent many hours of hard work and lots of ingenuity to come up with something different in the way of rabbit targets and arranging the shoot.
The morning round was a Standard Field Round of twenty-eight regulation targets; the afternoon shooting was a twenty-eight target broadhead round and these targets were painted rabbit figures of every conceivable description, each a replica of the March Hare in everything but size. Mathew had rabbits popping out of logs, standing with legs crossed, and in all running and sitting positions imaginable. There were no right angles, however, and most of the archers who had hoped to pick up points on the animal round, resembled the Mad Hatter, watching for that third arrow, before the last twenty-eight was over.
Winners in the men’s division were: Rube Powell, who won the champ class; Corky Johnson bested the expert class; Frank Gorzny led “A” class, and Ken Brown topped “B” class; “C” class was won by Len Siegen; “D” class winner was Gordon Doll; and “E” class was won by Harry Gallen.
Among the women, Beda Mathew was first in champ class, and Betty Atkinson won “C” class.
Donald C. Clark, Jr., walked off with junior champ class, and Charles Phillips led the other junior division.
Cathy Powell won the girls’ division of the Little Beaver class, and Robert Toppe was first in the Little Beaver boys’ division.
All winners of the first prize were awarded a dressed rabbit, ready for the oven, while consolation prizes of chocolate rabbits went to the low scorer in each class.
All Little Beavers who participated shared a boxful of candy rabbits.
ARCHERY April, 1953