SDA Member’s Meeting, this Monday, March 21, 6:30pm.

After a much too long hiatus, the SDA Monthly Member’s Meetings are starting up again. Past SDA meetings were held in restaurants, which were too noisy & distracting for productive meetings. The meeting on Monday will be in an auditorium in Grantville (east of Mission Valley, just north of I-8 at Mission Gorge Road). 


All members are welcome. If you would like to join us for dinner at 6:30pm, 

RSVP by 5pm, Sunday, March 20, is required for food. 

If you do not RSVP in advance, you are welcome to join us for the business discussions at 7pm (and any leftover food after RSVP members are finished.


Non-members are invited to join us by filling out a membership application at the meeting.


Primary agenda items: General club business (upcoming Board elections), planning of the King Arthur Tournament, including clean up & maintenance at the Balboa Range, KA sponsors & prizes.


For more information, directions or to RSVP, please contact the San Diego Archers at: