Southern Border Archery Association Constitution and By-Laws

Southern Border Archery Association Constitution and By-Laws as Amended September 1967, PDF 5 Pages. Link to PDF.

Southern Border Archery Association Constitution and By-Laws (Amended September 1967)

Article I – Name

This organization shall be known as Southern Border Archery Association, otherwise designated as SBAA. This shall be a non-profit organization.

Article II – Purpose

A. To represent the member-clubs, both Target and Field, in the promotion and preservation of Archery in San Diego and Imperial Counties.

B. To provide the Archers of this area a voice in California State Archery matters by virtue of affiliation with the California BowHunters and State Archery Association (CBH & SAA) as a designated Region. CBH & SAA affiliation includes required representation of three (3) delegates at the Annual Meeting. These three delegates shall be SBAA President, Secretary, and Legislative Representative or their duly appointed alternates, to be appointed in November of each year.

C. To publish and circulate a monthly bulletin of news and archery activities submitted by member-clubs to the editor or, in the absence of an editor, the secretary.

Article III – Membership

A. All organized archery clubs of San Diego and Imperial Counties shall be eligible for membership or Associate-membership in this association.

B. The Secretary-Treasurer, cooperating with the president, shall act upon all applications for membership in this association upon receipt of such document. The Board of Governors shall reject or accept these applications at their earliest convenience.

C. Affiliated clubs may be expelled by SBAA officers with a two-thirds vote of the total membership of the Board of Governors. An expelled club may appeal for re-instatement at the next SBAA meeting.

D. Affiliated clubs will be dropped for non-payment of dues. Only clubs with paid-up membership may participate in SBAA functions.

E. All members (Archers) in good standing of the member clubs or associate member clubs of SBAA are automatically considered members of this association.

Article IV – Meetings

A. Regular meetings are to be held bi-monthly, with dates and sites determined by the Board of Governors.

B. A special meeting may be called at the request of any member club, associate member club, or committee. All SBAA members are welcome to attend any meeting of SBAA as visitors.

C. All motions made from the floor shall be acted upon and shall require a majority vote of the Board of Governors present.

Article V – Officers and Their Duties

A. The Board of Governors shall consist of the President and two Delegates from each member club.

B. Officers of SBAA shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Legislative Representative, who will be elected from within the Board of Governors.

C. Elected officers shall continue to represent their member clubs except the President of SBAA. (The club represented by the SBAA President shall elect an additional member delegate.)

D. The President shall preside at all meetings of SBAA, represent the Association in all matters and meetings with other organizations, and appoint standing and special committees.

E. The Vice President, or in his or her absence the Secretary-Treasurer, shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.

F. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record all meetings, keep a record of all financial transactions, conduct all SBAA correspondence, and manage finances.

G. The Legislative Representative shall represent the Bow Hunter at local and State levels, reporting all changes in Hunting Legislation and Fishing laws to the SBAA monthly publication.

H. Representation by 50% of the Voting member clubs shall constitute a quorum.

I. Nomination and election of officers shall be held at the January meeting, with new officers taking office after March 1st. The term of office shall be two years.

J. Vacancies in office shall be filled by an election held at the next regular meeting after the vacancy occurs or at a special meeting called for the purpose.

Article VI – Fees, Dues, and Assessments

A. Fees, dues, and assessments are to be pro-rated per capita among all member clubs by the Board of Governors.

B. Member clubs and Associate member clubs shall be assessed a fixed amount at the time of their admission, to be set by the Board of Governors.

Article VII – Fiscal Year

The SBAA fiscal year shall begin March 1.

Article VIII – Amendments

This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Governors after a copy of the proposed amendments has been sent to the member clubs or authorized to be published in the official SBAA bulletin for approval. One month’s notice shall be required before a final vote.

Article IX – By-Laws

By-Laws may be adopted by a majority vote at any regular meeting of the Board of Governors. No By-Law may be adopted that conflicts with this constitution.


This organization shall abide by the