The Robin Hood Archery Club will present a contest of skill and daring

“September 1, San Diego Union, Classified, 13:2-3. Many features will make last program of County Fair.

With all attendance records shattered, the county fair and horse show will close this evening at 11, with the largest array of live stock, the finest horse show yet seen, the largest amount of industrial exhibits and a better showing of county produce than ever before.

The attendance record fell Friday night, and it is estimated that a 35 percent gain will be made this year. The entire showing this season will set a mark hard to compete with next year, but fair officials say that with the interest shown this year, next year will see many improvements. More room for exhibits and live stock will be needed next year, and Felix Landis says that plans will be made to enlarge the grandstand for the horse show.
Today the fair offers its final program of amusements and entertainment. At. 2 p.m., in the arena, the Camp Hearn troop, which has been highly entertaining all week, will present its final efforts. With expert horsemanship and exceedingly fine animals, this company of man has won the praise of the crowds each day.

Following the exhibition at 3:30, the Robin Hood Archery Club will present a contest of skill and daring. The club will be out in full force and Joseph Jessop, president of the club, assures the crowd of a demonstration well worthwhile. The bowmen will be so placed in the arena that all parts of the grandstand will be good vantage points for viewing the targets.

The last event of the horse show will take place in the arena at 8. At 8:30 free dancing will be in order and Wonderlich’s orchestra will furnish the music.”