Organization of the Thunderbird council of boys and girls

Chief Seton of New York, whose Indian name is Black Wolf, and the museum management have appointed City Playground Supt. Frank S. Marsh as the Medicine Man to complete the organization of the Thunderbird council of boys and girls and to stage manage the big doings in the desert next Saturday. He will be assisted by a number of chiefs of the Boys’ and Girls’ Scout organizations and by athletic directors from Camp Kearny. A Woodcraft league chapter has been applied for from New York.

Balboa Park History 1919

Council of the Thunderbird

The young Indians’ “Council of the Thunderbird,” which is the name given by Ernest Thompson Seton to the local club of the Woodcraft League of America, will be continued and perpetuated, with the San Diego’s museum’s Painted Desert in Balboa Park as headquarters. A field day of club contests with other organizations of boys and girls, game, sports, music and campfire pow-wows, will be given each Saturday afternoon.

Balboa Park History 1919

Joseph Jessop forming of Thunderbird archery clubs

Joseph Jessop, noted archery expert, whose exhibit of bows and arrows in the museum is one of the finest in America, has offered to assist in the forming of Thunderbird archery clubs, and these will hold Robin Hood contests at the desert. A shop will be installed where the boys can make their bows and arrows besides other crafts products. There will be music, games and a jousting tournament or tub-tilting between teams to be fought out during four Saturdays with prizes. Other details of the lively program will be worked out at a meeting between Chief Marsh and sub-chiefs at the Grant hotel tonight. Many of the Woodcraft contests will be a continuation of those illustrated by Seton last Saturday to the delight of over 3,000 kiddies and their friends at the reopening of the desert to the public.

Balboa Park History 1919