Rube Powell Archery Range Work Party Satruday, March 15th, 2025

Balboa Park Rube Powell Archery Range Work Party

Saturday, March 15th
8:00 a.m. – noon

General clean-up, weed whacking, raking, sweeping, painting, trash pick-up & more!

Hello, San Diego Archers!
Please join us for a work party this Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. A little spring cleaning to dress up our Rube Powell Archery Range.

Start time: 8:00 (or as early as you can make it)

    • Supplies & tools (If you have them, we would appreciate it if you could bring them!)
    • Weed Whacker and String
    • Tree Loppers / Pruning Shears / Tree Saw
    • Safety Glasses / Face Shield
    • Gloves / Long Pants, Long Sleeves, and Boots recommended
    • Paint brushes / Paint Rollers (we have some)
    • We have a pitchfork, a few rakes & shovels (or bring your favorite!)
  • Clear all shooting lanes and areas around targets. This will make locating arrows easier and speed up the shoot.
  • Repair/replace bales on the practice range and course targets as needed.
  • Consolidate green waste near the lower container.
  • Paint over any graffiti on the lower container and bridge.

Let us know of anything we forgot.

Thanks everyone!

Our two fantastic archery ranges would not be in Balboa Park without the support of our loyal volunteers.

May 26, Saturday – SD Archer King Arthur Paint Party AND Range Preparation for King Arthur Tournament

Dragon pictureAttention All Ye Archers of San Diego

Please join us for the King Arthur Paint Party:
This Saturday, May 26, 8am-noon
Rube Powell Archery Range (Balboa Park)

Please come help us prepare for our Annual King Arthur Tournament (on June 17) by painting targets or cleaning up the Balboa Park Rube Powell Archery Range.

The Paint Party

Thee annual King Arthur Target Painting Party will be at the picnic tables just outside the entrance to the Rube Powell Archery Range. Our legendary King Arthur targets must be gilded (a.k.a. hand painted) by our talented volunteers. We are asking all of our crafty crafters and young archers to help us out.

Come gild one of over 40 of Duane’s King Arthur hand stenciled targets. In addition, to the paint party ALL crafty crafters are welcome to create any additional decorations for the San Diego Archers or the King Arthur event. Join us…get crafty…get creative and help us make a fun festive event even more festive.

The Work Party

Our main goals for this work party (and the next one) are:

  • Clear shooting stations near Adult/Youth/Cub distances

  • Clear the shooting lanes

  • Clear the area to the left and right just beyond the target bales
    (think of beginners looking for missed arrows)

  • Clearing paths from one target bale to the next shooting station

If you have noticed anything in particular that needs attention, please let us know!

The King Arthur Tournament includes 40 targets, 12 more than our usual 28 NFAA targets. These 12 are occasionally used for backstops in the 3D Rounds. Below is a link to two maps: The standard SDA 28 target map versus the King Arthur 40 target map.

Bring gloves, water and a hat (long sleeves and pants are always a good idea). If you have a weed whacker or rake, bring them along. We have some rakes and shovels, too. Stay as long as you want – we plan to work until around noon.

Coffee, donuts, fruit and juice will be provided for all of our volunteers.

As a thank you from the San Diego Archers all work party volunteers do not have to pay for their next shoot.