Volunteer Party – 3/22/14
MARCH 22, 2014
Have you noticed that the bales on many of
the target butts need to be replaced?
Are you curious about how new, replacement bales seem
to MAGICALLY appear at the Balboa Park and Morley Field Ranges?
Would you like to see how new bales are
compressed and moved between the ranges?
Or, better yet, would you like to help the hard working
club members who are always replacing the bales for us?
If you answered YES to two or more of these questions,
you are ready for a lesson from the SDA Master Bale Builders.
An additional four volunteers would be of tremendous assistance
and get the job done in just an hour or two.
If you have a good pair of work gloves and
want to join in the fun, please RSVP to:
The first four volunteers to reply will be the lucky ones to help out this Saturday. Bale maintenance occurs year round as needed, so there will be more opportunities to help throughout the year. If more than four people respond, we will keep a running list of anyone interested in learning about bale maintenance and send you an email next time around.