2015 Tuesday League-cont
The Tuesday Evening League continues!!!
Leg 3 continues through August 25th!
The Knock Out-Final Elimination Round will be in early September.
Can you guess which one is the compound target and which is the trad target?? The nice grouping above the right target is courtesy of yours truly. Looks like I used my 30-yard pin, instead of 20. 😉
2015 Tuesday Evening League.
6pm, Morley Field Archery Range
Every Tuesday evening from April through September!
If you want to improve your archery skills, this is the place to do it! The Tuesday Evening League is competitive, yet, still friendly, fun and a good value for the money….. What more could you want?
Only $5 per shoot (or save and pay $30 per leg up front.)
Our handicap scoring system levels the playing field and allows all contenders to battle for the league championship title.
Printer Friendly 2015 Tuesday League Schedule
The league is divided into three legs. Each leg is 7 weeks long.
Leg 1: Mini (or ½) 900 Round, 60-50-40 yards, 3-5 arrow ends.
      Tuesdays, April 7 to May 19.
Leg 2: Paper 3D Targets, 40-30-20 yards, 3-5 arrow ends.
      Tuesdays, May 26 to July 7.
Leg 3: Mini (or ½) 900 Round, 60-50-40 yards, 3-5 arrow ends.
      Tuesdays, July 14 to August 25.Â
The Knock Out-Final Elimination Round will be on September 1st or 8th – details to be decided…
Hope to see you there!