San Diego Archers Special Use Permit

The image contains the following text:
THIS PERMIT is granted this first day of July, 1985, by THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, hereinafter called “CITY,” and is accepted by the SAN DIEGO ARCHERS CLUB, hereinafter called “PERMITTEE.”
WHEREAS, CITY desires to provide facilities to its citizens, guests, noncommercial local societies, clubs and organizations engaged in civic, social, educational, cultural, recreational or philanthropic work or activities;
WHEREAS, PERMITTEE is such an organization and, in the promotion and sponsorship of such activities, revenues are generated from voluntary contributions, special events, membership dues and fund-raising projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby mutually agreed by and between the CITY and the PERMITTEE as follows:
1. CITY does hereby grant to PERMITTEE a Special Use Permit for the use of certain premises as designated by the Park and Recreation Department, hereinafter called “Premises,” for the period of one year, beginning on the first day of July, 1985, and terminating on the thirtieth day of June, 1986.
2. The premises shall be used only for the purposes of conducting special events, fund-raising activities, and special recreation programs. Such activities shall be subject to the approval of the Park and Recreation Director or his designated representative.
The premises shall not be utilized for the purpose of working or campaigning for the nomination or election to any public office be it partisan or non-partisan. Provided, however, that the PERMITTEE shall not be precluded from providing a forum for open public debate by candidates such as occurs at a “candidate forum” and similar events.
3. This Permit may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other.
4. The general public shall not be wholly or permanently excluded from the premises or any sponsored activity. However, the PERMITTEE may develop reasonable restrictions and fees for the use of facilities and participation in certain activities provided that they are consistent with the rights of the general public and are designed to enable the PERMITTEE to use the premises for the purposes herein granted.
5. Membership in the SAN DIEGO ARCHERS CLUB shall be open to anyone meeting the requirements of its rules and bylaws. All restrictions, rules, bylaws, and fees, if any, charged by the SAN DIEGO ARCHERS CLUB shall, before being put into effect, be submitted to and receive the written approval of the Park and Recreation Director or his designated representative.
6. The PERMITTEE shall keep accurate and complete books of account indicating all financial transactions made in connection with the premises. A financial report showing all revenue by source and all expenditures in connection with the premises shall be submitted to the Park and Recreation Director or his designated representative by August 1, or in the event of a termination as set forth in Paragraph 3 hereof, within thirty (30) days of the effective date of said termination. PERMITTEE’s books of account shall be subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the CITY at all times.
7. All funds collected by PERMITTEE from the use of designated facilities shall be used for the sole purpose of promoting PERMITTEE’s activities or other related services.
8. PERMITTEE, in the promotion of their activities, will not discriminate or permit discrimination against any person or class or persons by reason of race, color, creed or national origin, sex or age, in any manner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Permit is executed by the City of San Diego, acting by and through its City Manager pursuant to Resolution No. 214067 authorizing such execution, and by PERMITTEE.
Dated this 26 day of August, 1985
By Park and Recreation Director
By Richard Lindberg Permittee
By Charlene Davis Permittee
I HEREBY APPROVE the form and legality of the foregoing Permit this 27
day of NOV, 1985.
JOHN W. WITT, City Attorney
By Deputy City Attorney