San Diego Archers New Board of Officers

The image shows a letter dated September 25, 1984, from the San Diego Archers Club (established 1938) to the National Field Archery Association. The letter lists the new board of officers of the San Diego Archers Club in San Diego, CA as of their September 11, 1984 meeting:

President: Dave Conard, 9405 Via Zapador, Santee, CA 92071, (619) 449-1193

Vice President: Richard Lindberg, P.O. Box 1149, San Diego, CA 92112, (619) 457-3758

Treasurer: Gayla Robinson, 4780 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92117, (619) 279-2217

Secretary: Millie Johnson, 1535 Juniperhill Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024, (619) 942-1986 (H), (619) 229-0211 (W)

The letter is signed by Millie Johnson as Secretary of San Diego Archers.

Balboa Park Roving Range Renaming to…

San Diego Archers President Mike Frey reorganization letter to Club members, and renaming of the Balboa Park Roving Range.

The image contains the following text:

San Diego Archers Pres. Mike Frye

S.D.A. is at the beginning of a reorganization. We are looking for new members, especially those that are eased in helping with some of the official club duties needed to run a quality archery club. Also S.D.A. is getting ready to have it’s first, of many, 3D shoots at the Balboa Park Roving Range. Ed Costelow and Sable Arms have been instrumental in setting the wheels in motion for this big event. The proposed date for the first shoot is Sunday, Oct. 4, at 9 PM. This is going to be a big one, 28 McKinsey’s 3D’s and lunch will be served on the range. Hope to see you there.
S.D.A. would like to thank all of you that are putting in your $1 range use fee every time you use Morley Field or Balboa Park ranges. It’s the only revenues we recieve to replace bales and targets. It cost about $30perbale or $1200 for Morley Field alone. So if you see someone walk pass the collection box without paying let them hear about it. It’s not fair for some to carry the load for everyone.
It seems that with all the signs on the gate at the roving range some people still haven’t gotten the message. “NO BROADHEADS”. Broadheads are the excelsior bales worst enemy. They rip the bales to shreds and often are imposible to pull back out. Maybe you’ve hit things in the bales and ruined a $10 carbon arrow, well it was more than likely a broken off broadhead. We have also had people cut by those same broadheads while repairing bales so you can have good bales to shoot into. It’s also against the law to carry broadheads in the park, and if cited it’s a $50 ticket.
We are hoping to have a big ceremony for the renaming of the roving range so keep your eyes open for further information
For more information about anything involving S.D.A. call, Mike Frye 299-3109.

Scott Hassell

Note: According to other letters written between the clubs at the time, in 1984, the Balboa Park Roving Range was also called the Balboa Park Field Range. -JW