San Diego Archers New Visitor Questions
About San Diego Archers | Club Membership
New to San Diego, have questions about archery, ranges or need help?
The San Diego Archers ranges are open to the public and membership with the San Diego Archers is not required to participate in tournaments. The San Diego Archers host four novelty tournaments each year. In addition, there are more than twenty regular competition tournaments throughout the year. Participants are only required to show up with their own gear, sign a waiver, and pay a small fee.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the San Diego Archers Club and what is its purpose? The San Diego Archers Club is an active archery club in San Diego, sponsoring shoots, tournaments, and events for archery enthusiasts in San Diego.
- How frequently does the San Diego Archers Club host events? The club sponsors two shoots a month and four major tournaments a year. They also host other events such as the “King Arthur’s Day Tournament” each June, on Father’s Day.
- Are there opportunities to attend San Diego Archers Club tournaments for free? Yes, the club holds a work party at their ranges each month. You can contact them to see if there are work party positions available before the next tournament, which would allow you to attend the shoot for free.
- What are the upcoming events or tournaments organized by the club? Specific upcoming events would be listed on the club’s event calendar. One annual highlight is the King Arthur’s Day Tournament in June.
Could you provide more details about the King Arthur’s Day Tournament? What should participants bring or wear to this event? The King Arthur’s Day Tournament is a medieval-themed event and is one of the biggest festival events of the club. Participants are encouraged to wear King Arthur-themed costumes and there will be food, snacks, drinks, and an opportunity drawing for prizes. View pictures from a prior tournament.
- Where can I find the results and scores of previous tournaments? The scores of previous tournaments are posted on the website under Tournaments & Shoot Results.
- As a first-time visitor to the Rube Powell Balboa Park Archery Range, what should I know? The range is a walking course, similar to a golf course, so it’s important to always walk in the proper direction, counterclockwise along the path. There is also a map of the range available on the website for both desktop and mobile viewing.
What is the process to register and pay for a San Diego Archers tournament online? There’s a link on the registration page of the website for the date you wish to attend. After registering, you should print a scorecard with a waiver, which you’ll need to score your round. Be sure to arrive on the tournament day by 8:00 am. Once you arrive, be sure to visit the target number reservation whiteboard, where you will write your name into the preferred starting target number box. If you have registered and paid online, and printed your scorecard and waiver for the tournament you do not need to visit the visitor’s table. Just be sure to drop your waiver into the black box at the visitor’s table before leaving the range.
If I haven’t registered online, how can I register for a tournament on the day of the event? You should arrive by 8:00 am and go to the visitor’s table on the west side of the Alcazar Parking Lot. You’ll be asked to sign a paper waiver (you can bring your own signed waiver to save time), read the range safety rules, and pay the registration fee if not paid online. You’ll also be provided a scorecard at the visitor’s table. The fee for day-of-registration may be higher than the fee for preregistration.
Is it possible to make a cash donation at the tournament? Yes, if cash is not accepted at the visitor’s table, you can donate at the red pay tube in the practice area. You can also donate online on the San Diego Archers Donation Options page.
- Are there any specific rules or important points that shooters participating in a tournament should be aware of? Shooters should keep their group size to 5 or fewer persons. After shooting the last target, they should post their score online.
- Do I need a reservation to shoot at your archery range? Both of our ranges are public archery ranges, open from sunup to sundown. No reservations are required. We only ask that you donate $2 per person online or at the pay poll when you arrive.
I recently took an archery lesson. I was wondering if your club has openings for membership, or if you offer lessons? We’re always accepting new members to the club. Apply online when ready.