Animal Round, Yellow Stakes – October 15, 2023

Animal Round
will be hosted by the San Diego Archers on
Sunday, October 15, 2023
at the Rube Powell Balboa Park Archery Range
(☀️ AccuWeather)

• Preregister and pay online today

On the day of the shoot, visit the visitor’s table between 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Sign the paper waiver form for each participant and pick up a blank scorecard before entering the practice area. Speed up registration by printing and signing your waiver form now?

Range briefing will begin after 8:30 a.m., and shooting will commence after 9 a.m.

Volunteers are needed at 6:15 a.m. to help set up and take down targets!
If you’re unable to help set up targets, please help us in taking down and storing the targets at the end of the shoot. Remember: volunteers shoot for FREE!
Contact us by filling out our volunteer form if you’d like to help.

Animal Target

The Animal Round includes:
28 2D Paper Field Targets
1-3 Arrows per Target
The best score per target is 21
Maximum Score: 588

Animal Rounds use 2D paper targets with ‘uneven’ distances between 5 and 60 yards, reminiscent of the Hunter Round. The rules and scoring are significantly different.

The archer begins at the first YELLOW shooting stake of the target and shoots the first arrow. If it hits, you do not have to shoot again. If it misses, you advance to the second shooting stake and shoot the second arrow, then to the third shooting stake for a third shot if needed.

There are 3 scoring zones: Bonus Kill Zone, Kill Zone, and Hit Zone.

Scoring is based on where you hit and with which arrow.

Marked arrowThe first arrow shot is scored 21, 20 or 18. The second arrow is scored 17, 16 or 14, and the third arrow is scored 13, 12, or 10. A scoring chart is included on your scorecard.

Pro tip!
Mark your arrows with a number. This way, when you go to score your arrows, you’ll know which hit first, second, or third.

Younger shooters

For Youths (12-14 yo), the longest distance is 40 yards
For Cubs (11 yo & under), the longest distance is 25 yards.

F-H-A NFAA Scoring
View NFAA Scoring Rules

Registration and Concessions*:

Free online registration
Free for children 14 and below
$10 for SDA members & Active-Duty Military (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $14)
$15 for Non-members (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $19)
+$5 for in-person visitors’ table registration (proposed)

* Water bottles: Pickup free at the visitors’ table
* Sodas and snacks: $1 each. Drop payment in Pay Pole or visitors’ table

• Preregister and pay online today

Print and bring along a signed waiver

Paper shoots may be canceled due to heavy rain (Animal, Hunter, Field Rounds). While 3D Shoots will NOT be canceled due to bad weather!

After tallying your paper scorecard, submit your score online at

Please submit your score online. If you choose to not submit your score online, your participation in the tournament may not be recorded. Your uploaded or paper scorecard is still required for verification purposes.

3D Round Results – October 1, 2023

Final Tournament Scores are In!

View the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Shooters Scores Below:

Click to view full-width page

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place pins are available for online-registered shooters only.


10 Attended and did not register online for attendance or awards credit.
40 Registered online and eligible for awards.
29 Scores were posted. Corrections below: None.

  • Tournament notes: John M. was the only volunteer to show up for setup at 6 a.m. Russ H. had to run down last minute, at 8 a.m., to complete the target cones setup, leaving Jim W. to the security brief. The weather today was slightly cool and comfortably overcast. Just glorious!
  • Misentered scores awaiting correction: None
    Well, other than Tony Pak giving himself funny names on his scorecard—annoying Jim W. to no end.
  • Scoring ties: None
  • Late Score Postings (not previously included in the day-of tournament scores): None.

* Scores must be submitted by 3 pm day-of-shoot to qualify for awards.

Report scoring errors to

Tournament Scorecard Details:

Click to view the full-width page

Have you renewed your membership?
Submit your SDA Membership Application online.



3D Round – October 1, 2023

3D Round
will be hosted by the the San Diego Archers on
Sunday, October 1, 2023
at the Rube Powell Balboa Park Archery Range
(☀️ AccuWeather)

3D Bear

• Tournament preregistration and pay online today

On the day of the shoot, visit the visitor’s table between 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Sign the paper waiver form for each participant and pick up a blank scorecard before entering the practice area. Speed up registration by printing and signing your waiver form now?

Range briefing will begin after 8:30 a.m., and shooting will commence after 9 a.m.

Volunteers are needed at 6:15 a.m. to help set up and take down targets!
If you’re unable to help set up targets, please help us in taking down and storing the targets at the end of the shoot. Remember: volunteers receive a $15 club credit card to shoot for FREE!
Contact us by filling out our volunteer form if you’d like to help.

This 3D Round includes:
28 3D targets
1 Arrow per Target
Scoring is 10-8-5
Maximum Score is 280
Rangefinders are allowed

We utilize a diverse selection of high-quality Rhinehart and Mackenzie targets arranged in various hunting scenarios. Only one arrow per target is permitted unless mulligans are purchased. Participants may buy up to two mulligans and two doe tags for $1 each, either online or at the visitors’ table. The scoring system follows a 10-8-5-0, where misses, antlers, and horns are awarded “0” points. According to NFAA archery rules for 3D tournaments, an arrow that strikes a branch or other object and misses the target is generally considered a miss.

About Mulligans and Doe Tags

If you missed or scored low with the first arrow, a mulligan allows you to take another shot at a target.  Your score is determined by that second (mulligan) arrow, even if your score turns out worse than the first arrow.

You could use the second mulligan on the same target, but your score is determined by the last arrow shot.

There are a maximum of two buck-doe spreads in the field where the doe is placed between the buck and the archer.  If you hit the doe and do not have a doe tag, you score negative five (-5) points on that target.  With a doe tag, you score zero (0) points; however, you cannot use a mulligan if you hit the doe, regardless of whether you possess a doe tag or not.

If you hit the buck or miss completely, you may use a mulligan, and your score is determined by that second arrow.

Traditional Stakes for Recurve Archers and Longbows Shooters

Orange cone #1Longer-range targets will have a traditional stake (orange cone) set (per NFAA rules).  Orange cones are designated for Youth and Traditional archers with a maximum distance of 40 yards.

For 3D Round events, if range-to-target is greater than 40 yards due to an apparent error in target cone set-up, you may use a rangefinder to adjust your shooting range to 40 yards.

Younger shooters

For Youths (12-14 yo), the longest distance is 40 yards
For Cubs (11 yo & under), the longest distance is 25 yards.

Registration and Concessions*:

Free online registration
Free for children 14 and below
$10 for SDA members & Active-Duty Military (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $14)
$15 for Non-members (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $19)
+$5 for in-person visitors’ table registration (proposed)

* Water bottles: Pickup free at the visitors’ table
* Sodas and snacks: $1 each. Drop payment in Pay Pole or visitors’ table

• Preregister and pay online today

Print and bring along a signed waiver

Paper shoots may be canceled due to heavy rain (Animal, Hunter, Field Rounds). While 3D Shoots will NOT be canceled due to bad weather!

After tallying your paper scorecard, submit your score online at

Please submit your score online. If you choose not to submit your score online, your participation in the tournament may not be recorded. Your uploaded or paper scorecard is still required for verification purposes.