April Fool Archery Shoot Leaders Win Hams, Candy

April Fool Archery Shoot Leaders Win Hams, Candy

CHULA VISTA – Winners of the April Fool Archery Shoot held Sunday on the Rohr Arrowhead Club range in Bonita were announced this week by Mary Powell, in charge of publicity for the sponsoring Southern Border Archery Association.

Mike English, Danny Osborn and Eric Hansen won boxes of candy for topping the field in the under 12 years, Little Beaver section.

The adults competed in three sections, American, hunters, and novelty rounds. The first five archers in each section won six-pound canned hams.

Winners in the three sections were, as follows: American – Rube Powell, Fred Wilson, Frankie Smoot, Jim Butterwood and Bob Mitchell. Hunters – Jack Bice, Roger Redden, Walt Turkoc, Bettye Farmer and Kelton Ribby. Novelty – Wallace Corkhill, Harry Ross, Dick Kermond, Lee Simmons and Stephen Edney.

The awards were limited one to a person.

Notes By Jim Baker:
Star-News, National City and Chula Vista, 12 April 1959

I think Mary Powell controlled most of the archery activities in San Diego during the 50’s and 60’s.

Roy Dill History, Convairiety, 1957

Roy Dill, Former Champ Bowman, Returns to National Competition

Roy Dill, Convair San Diego bow-and-arrow artist who was national champion archer in 1948, was in Watkins Glen, N. Y., last week in an effort to regain the U. S. title after more than three years absence from competition.
Dill won the national championship in 1948, only two years after leaving the Army, and held the California state championship four years, 1947, ’48, ’50, and ’53. The following year he retired from competition when he married and started raising a family.
“Lately my wife has been insisting I return to competition,” Dill said before he left, “and naturally I didn’t try too hard to hold out against it.”
The former national champion had “kept his eye” even in retirement by hunting in the Lagunas and around San Diego with bow and arrow. He has bagged numerous deer on expeditions to the Lagunas. He also shot with and conducted clinics for the CRA Archery Club at SD, and was president one term.
Deciding to return to target shooting, Dill entered and won the annual Silver Arrow Shoot at Reno, Nev., bringing home a handsome silver trophy valued at $150.
Dill joined Convair San Diego in 1947 and worked in the factory as an assembler for several years. During this time he took numerous leaves of absence to make national archery exhibition tours, covering 36 of the 48 states. In 1950 he left Convair briefly, returned to the factory as assembler, and became a supervisor a few months later.
For a time he was attached to training section in the training of new hires. March 8 of this year Dill moved into long range planning as Model 880 change representative, the post he presently holds.

Citation: Full text of “Convairiety San Diego Edition 1957“, page 119, regarding Convair SD Archers

Closing of Gold Gulch Archery Range as well as the target range at Sixth and Laurel St., 1957

‘Dispossessed’ Archery Club Finds New Site, 1957

Temporarily  stymied  by  en- 
forcement  of  an  old  city  ordi- 
nance  which  forbids  “dischai-ging 
arrows  within  the  city  limits,” 
Convair  SD’s  Archery  Club  has 
obtained  a  new  location  —  from 
which  it’s  certain  not  to  be  evict- 
ed — and  will  hold  the  July  shoot 
this  Sunday  (July  14). 

The  ancient  ordinance,  invoked 
by  the  City  of  San  Diego  in  con¬ 
nection  with  a  realignment  of 
Balboa  Park  areas  and  activities, 
forced  the  closing  of  Gold  Gulch 
archery  range,  as  well  as  the  tar- 
get  range  at  Sixth  and  Laurel 
Sts.,  and  the  club  canceled  its 
June  shoot. 

Thanks  to  arrangements  made 
with  J.  R.  “Dick”  Mitchell,  em¬ 
ployée  services  chief  for  Convair 
Astronautics,  the  shoot  this 
weekend  will  be  held  on  Kearny 
Mesa,  east  of  the  Astronautics 
plant.  The  range  is  south  of  the 
Convair  access  road  leading  off 
U.  S.  395  to  the  plant. 

A  work  party  is  scheduled  to 
préparé  the  site  this  Saturday 
(July  13),  said  Al  Phipps,  Dept. 
401,  target  captain,  and  A.  D. 
Stone,  Dept.  709,  club  president. 

Adult  registration  for  Sunday’s 
shoot  will  be  at  9:30  a.m.,  with 
shooting  to  start  at  10.  Children 
will  register  at  12:30  p.m.,  start 
at  1.  The  meet  will  be  a  target 
single  American  type,  scoring  to 
be  announced  at  start. 

The  archery  event  is  open  to 
ail  Convair  employées  and  their 
families,  said  Stone.  The  club 
hopes  to  develop  a  field  range 
near  the  same  location,  which 
will  be  in  a  portion  of  the  area 
set  aside  for  CRA  activities  near 
the  Astronautics  plant. 

Other  information  on  club 
activities  may  be  obtained  from 
Gil  Crosthwaite,  CRA  commis¬ 
sioner,  at  ext.  1245,  Plant  1.

Citation: Full text of “Convairiety San Diego Edition 1957“, page 95, regarding Convair SD Archers